7 package ca.uhn.cache.proxy;
9 import ca.uhn.cache.CacheReasonEnum;
10 import ca.uhn.cache.IQuery;
12 /***
13 * Adapts the arguments and return values of a particular Java method
14 * to work with a <code>ISemanticCache</code>. It is assumed that the Java
15 * method corresponds to some query, and the return value corresponds
16 * to the results of the query, which are to be cached.
17 *
18 * @author <a href="mailto:bryan.tripp@uhn.on.ca">Bryan Tripp</a>
19 * @version $Revision: 1.1 $ updated on $Date: 2005/01/24 22:53:24 $ by $Author: bryan_tripp $
20 */
21 public interface IMethodAdapter {
23 /***
24 * @return the name of the adapted Java method
25 */
26 public String getMethodName();
28 /***
29 * @return the argument types of the adapted Java method
30 */
31 public Class[] getArgTypes();
33 /***
34 * @return the maximum number of calls to the source system (remainder queries)
35 * that should be executed per single method call. Generally, the more are allowed,
36 * the less they will span data that are already cached.
37 */
38 public int getMaxGroups();
40 /***
41 * @param theMethodArgs arguments of a query method call, constituting the query
42 * parameters expected by the underlying system
43 * @return corresponding <code>IQuery</code> that defines the same scope of
44 * data as the method args, or an encompassing scope, but are in terms of
45 * a <code>IParamSpace</code>
46 */
47 public IQuery getParamsFromArgs(Object[] theMethodArgs);
49 /***
50 * Note that the query parameters returned by this method can be more general
51 * than necessary, if extraneous data are filtered by includeInResults().
52 *
53 * @param theOriginalArgs the original arguments submitted by a caller to the
54 * query method
55 * @param theQuery defines the remainder query (i.e. data that
56 * are not in the cache)
57 * @return a new set of method arguments in the same form as the original ones,
58 * but with a new scope that corresponds to the remainder query
59 */
60 public Object[] getArgs(Object[] theOriginalArgs, IQuery theQuery);
62 /***
63 * The cache may return more data than needed. This method is used to eliminate
64 * extraneous data items from the results.
65 *
66 * @param theDataItem a candidate for a query result
67 * @param theMethodArgs method arguments defining query parameters
68 * @return true iff the given candidate should be returned to the caller (judged
69 * according to args)
70 */
71 public boolean includeInResults(Object theDataItem, Object[] theMethodArgs);
73 /***
74 * @param theMethodArgs method arguments defining query parameters
75 * @return reason for caching data, if this can be determined from the args (defaults
76 * to CacheReasonEnum.QUERY if nothing more specific is known)
77 */
78 public CacheReasonEnum getReason(Object[] theMethodArgs);
80 /***
81 * @return a helper that knows things about data items
82 */
83 public IDataInspector getDataInspector();
85 }