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1   /*
2    * Copyright (c) 2004-2005, University Health Network.  All rights reserved. Distributed under the BSD 
3    * license (see
4    *  
5    *
6    * 
7    * Created on 5-Aug-2004 at 4:23:30 PM
8    */
9   package ca.uhn.cache.internal.spring;
11  import java.beans.PropertyEditorSupport;
12  import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
13  import java.lang.reflect.Method;
15  /***
16   * PropertyEditor for org.apache.commons.lang.enum.Enum. 
17   * 
18   * @author <a href="">Alexei Guevara</a>
19   * @author <a href="">Tadatoshi Takahashi (Ken)</a>
20   * 
21   * @version $Revision: 1.1 $ updated on $Date: 2005/01/24 22:54:34 $ by $Author: bryan_tripp $
22   */
23  public class CustomEnumEditor extends PropertyEditorSupport {
25      private final Class myEnumClazz;
27      /***
28       * Create a new CustomEnumEditor instance, using the given Enum class. 
29       * 
30       * @param theEnumClazz Enum class used to create the Type Safe Enum instance.
31       */
32      public CustomEnumEditor( Class theEnumClazz ) {
33          myEnumClazz = theEnumClazz;
34      }
36      /***
37       * Create a new CustomEnumEditor instance, using the given Enum class name.
38       * @param theClassName the name of the <code>Class</code>.
39       * @throws ClassNotFoundException thrown when matching <code>Class</code> is not found.
40       */
41      public CustomEnumEditor( String theClassName ) throws ClassNotFoundException {
42          myEnumClazz = Class.forName( theClassName );
43      }
45      /***
46       * @see PropertyEditorSupport#setAsText(java.lang.String)
47       */
48      public void setAsText(String theText) throws IllegalArgumentException {
49          if (theText == null) {
50              throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The empty value is not allowed" );
51          }
53          try {
54              Method method = myEnumClazz.getMethod( "getEnum", new Class[ ] { String.class } );
55              Object object = method.invoke( null, new Object[ ] { theText } );
56              if ( object != null ) {
57                  setValue( object );
58              } 
59              else {
60                  throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The name of the Enum " + theText + " doesn't exist. " );
61              }
62          }
63          catch (SecurityException e) {
64              throw new IllegalArgumentException("getEum method is not defined properly, "
65                      + "Please provide public getEnum( String theName )." );
66          } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
67              throw new IllegalArgumentException("getEnum method is not found, "
68                      + "Please provide public getEnum( String theName ).");
69          } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
70              throw new IllegalArgumentException("getEnum method is not found, "
71                      + "Please provide public getEnum( String theName ).");
72          } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
73              throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invocation of getEnum method failed, "
74                      + e.getMessage( ) );
75          }
76      }
78      /***
79       * @see PropertyEditorSupport#getAsText()
80       */
81      public String getAsText() {
83         return getValue().toString();
85      }
87  }