7 package ca.uhn.cache.internal;
10 /***
11 * Temporary interface to cache store for purging data. After 1st release these methods will be
12 * moved to IChunkStore and IQueryResultStore.
13 *
14 * Note: minimum stored data includes: query, expiry time, vogueness modifier, and
15 * vogueness.
16 *
17 * @author <a href="mailto:bryan.tripp@uhn.on.ca">Bryan Tripp</a>
18 * @version $Revision: 1.1 $ updated on $Date: 2005/01/24 22:53:27 $ by $Author: bryan_tripp $
19 */
20 public interface IChunkPurger {
22 /***
23 * Returns chunks that have not been accessed recently. Specifically, those for which
24 * vogueness < theVoguenessThreshold.
25 *
26 * Recall from IUnusedChunkRule that vogueness = last access time + modifier.
27 *
28 * Implementation hint: to avoid doing a calculation during the query, store the
29 * modified version of last access time, and implement this method as
30 * "select chunks where mod_last_access earlier than theMaxAccessTime".
31 *
32 * @param theVoguenessThreshold chunks that have not been accessed since this time
33 * (accounting for modifier) are to be returned
34 * @return chunks for which the modified access time is earlier than theMaxAccessTime
35 */
36 public IChunkIterator getUnusedChunks(long theVoguenessThreshold);
38 /***
39 * Implementation hint: to avoid doing a calculation during the query, store
40 * chunk with its expiry time, not its max age, and implement this method as
41 * "select chunks where expiry time earlier than now".
42 *
43 * @return chunks that have been in the cache longer than their maximum ages.
44 */
45 public IChunkIterator getStaleChunks();
47 /***
48 * @return lowest vogueness of all chunks (based on the time at which the least recently
49 * used chunk was accessed; see IUnusedChunkRule)
50 */
51 public long getLowestVogueness();
53 /***
54 * @return the number of records currently stored by the cache
55 */
56 public int getNumCachedItems();
58 }