Uses of Class

Packages that use QueryResultStoreException

Uses of QueryResultStoreException in ca.uhn.cache.internal

Methods in ca.uhn.cache.internal that throw QueryResultStoreException
 void IQueryResultStore.insert(IQueryResult theQueryResult)
          Stores the given query result.
 IQueryResult theQuery)
          Returns the query result from the store that matches the given query.
 int IQueryResultStore.delete(IQuery theQuery)
          Removes the data matching the specified query from the store.

Uses of QueryResultStoreException in ca.uhn.cache.internal.hibernate.exception

Subclasses of QueryResultStoreException in ca.uhn.cache.internal.hibernate.exception
 class HibernateQueryResultStoreException
          Thrown by the methods of the class HibernateQueryResultStore when an exception thrown by Hibernate is captured.

Uses of QueryResultStoreException in ca.uhn.cache.internal.impl

Methods in ca.uhn.cache.internal.impl that throw QueryResultStoreException
 int HibernateQueryResultStore.delete(IQuery theProjection)
          Removes the data matching the specified query from the store.
 void HibernateQueryResultStore.insert(IQueryResult theQueryResult)
          Stores the given query result.
 IQueryResult theQuery)
          Returns the query result from the store that matches the given query.

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