Uses of Interface

Packages that use IChunkIterator

Uses of IChunkIterator in ca.uhn.cache.internal

Methods in ca.uhn.cache.internal that return IChunkIterator
 IChunkIterator IChunkPurger.getUnusedChunks(long theVoguenessThreshold)
          Returns chunks that have not been accessed recently.
 IChunkIterator IChunkPurger.getStaleChunks()
          Implementation hint: to avoid doing a calculation during the query, store chunk with its expiry time, not its max age, and implement this method as "select chunks where expiry time earlier than now".

Uses of IChunkIterator in ca.uhn.cache.internal.impl

Classes in ca.uhn.cache.internal.impl that implement IChunkIterator
 class ChunkIterator
          Default implementation of IChunkIterator.

Methods in ca.uhn.cache.internal.impl that return IChunkIterator
 IChunkIterator HibernateChunkStore.getUnusedChunks(long theVoguenessThreshold)
          Returns chunks that have not been accessed recently. Specifically, those for which vogueness < theVoguenessThreshold. Recall from IUnusedChunkRule that vogueness = last access time + modifier. Implementation hint: to avoid doing a calculation during the query, store the modified version of last access time, and implement this method as "select chunks where mod_last_access earlier than theMaxAccessTime".
 IChunkIterator HibernateChunkStore.getStaleChunks()
          Implementation hint: to avoid doing a calculation during the query, store chunk with its expiry time, not its max age, and implement this method as "select chunks where expiry time earlier than now".

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