Interface ICacheCleaner

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ICacheCleaner

Responsible for cleaning two kinds of records out of a ChunkBasedCache: records that are likely to be out of date (stale), and (if the cache is too full) records that are not likely to be accessed in the near future.

$Revision: 1.1 $ updated on $Date: 2005/01/24 22:53:27 $ by $Author: bryan_tripp $
Bryan Tripp

Method Summary
 void evictStaleChunks()
          Removes from the cache any chunks that are older than their maximum age.
 void evictUnusedChunks()
          Removes from the cache any chunks that are unlikely to be used in the near future, according to getUnusedChunkRule().
 long getTargetSize()

Method Detail


public long getTargetSize()
target size of cache: if there are more records than this in the cache, less useful records will be evicted


public void evictStaleChunks()
Removes from the cache any chunks that are older than their maximum age.


public void evictUnusedChunks()
Removes from the cache any chunks that are unlikely to be used in the near future, according to getUnusedChunkRule().

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