Uses of Interface

Packages that use IQueryParam

Uses of IQueryParam in ca.uhn.cache

Subinterfaces of IQueryParam in ca.uhn.cache
 interface IGroupQueryParam
          A IPointQueryParam that selects data items with values along a certain dimension which intersects a certain "group" of value.
 interface IPointQueryParam
          A IPointQueryParam that selects data items with values along a certain dimension exactly equal to a certain "single" value.

Methods in ca.uhn.cache that return IQueryParam
 IQueryParam IQuery.getParamByDimension(IDimension theDimension)
 IQueryParam[] IParamSpace.chunk(IQueryParam theParam)
          TODO: this assumes that chunk sizes along a given dimension are independent of other dimensions, but this may not be feasible.
 IQueryParam IQueryParam.merge(IQueryParam theParam)

Methods in ca.uhn.cache with parameters of type IQueryParam
 void IQuery.addParameter(IQueryParam theParam)
 IQueryParam[] IParamSpace.chunk(IQueryParam theParam)
          TODO: this assumes that chunk sizes along a given dimension are independent of other dimensions, but this may not be feasible.
 boolean IQueryParam.intersects(IQueryParam theParam)
 float IQueryParam.getDistance(IQueryParam theParam, IQueryParam theSaturationPoint)
 IQueryParam IQueryParam.merge(IQueryParam theParam)

Uses of IQueryParam in ca.uhn.cache.impl

Classes in ca.uhn.cache.impl that implement IQueryParam
 class AbstractQueryParam
          Base class for all IQueryParam implementations.
 class DateParam
          A IPointQueryParam that selects data items with values along a certain dimension exactly equal to a certain Date value.
 class DateRangeParam
          A IQueryParam encompassing a range of dates.
 class StringParam
          A IPointQueryParam that selects data items with values along a certain dimension exactly equal to a certain String value.
 class StringSetParam
          A IQueryParam that selects data items with values along a certain dimension exactly equal to one of a set of String values.

Methods in ca.uhn.cache.impl that return IQueryParam
 IQueryParam Query.getParamByDimension(IDimension theDimension)
 IQueryParam[] ParamSpace.chunk(IQueryParam theParam)
          TODO: this assumes that chunk sizes along a given dimension are independent of other dimensions, but this may not be feasible. For example, possibly sparse data (e.g. ECG should be divided into longer time spans than oft-collected data (e.g. CBC), in order to have an efficient number of data items per chunk. RESOLUTION: allow multiple caches in SelfCachingDataSource
 IQueryParam StringParam.merge(IQueryParam theParam)
 IQueryParam DateParam.merge(IQueryParam theParam)
 IQueryParam DateRangeParam.merge(IQueryParam theParam)
 IQueryParam StringSetParam.merge(IQueryParam theParam)

Methods in ca.uhn.cache.impl with parameters of type IQueryParam
 void Query.addParameter(IQueryParam theParam)
 IQueryParam[] ParamSpace.chunk(IQueryParam theParam)
          TODO: this assumes that chunk sizes along a given dimension are independent of other dimensions, but this may not be feasible. For example, possibly sparse data (e.g. ECG should be divided into longer time spans than oft-collected data (e.g. CBC), in order to have an efficient number of data items per chunk. RESOLUTION: allow multiple caches in SelfCachingDataSource
 boolean StringParam.intersects(IQueryParam theParam)
 float StringParam.getDistance(IQueryParam theParam, IQueryParam theSaturationPoint)
          Strings are treated as unordered uncategories rather than as with alphabetical order.
 IQueryParam StringParam.merge(IQueryParam theParam)
 boolean DateParam.intersects(IQueryParam theParam)
 float DateParam.getDistance(IQueryParam theParam, IQueryParam theSaturationPoint)
 IQueryParam DateParam.merge(IQueryParam theParam)
protected static void DateParam.checkCompatibility(IQueryParam theParam, IDimension theDimension)
 boolean AbstractQueryParam.intersects(IQueryParam theParam)
protected  boolean AbstractQueryParam.compatibleWith(IQueryParam theParam)
          By default only checks compatibility with other AbstractQueryParam descendents (can be overridden).
 boolean DateRangeParam.intersects(IQueryParam theParam)
 float DateRangeParam.getDistance(IQueryParam theParam, IQueryParam theSaturationPoint)
 IQueryParam DateRangeParam.merge(IQueryParam theParam)
 boolean StringSetParam.intersects(IQueryParam theParam)
protected static java.util.Set StringSetParam.getValues(IQueryParam theParam)
 float StringSetParam.getDistance(IQueryParam theParam, IQueryParam theSaturationPoint)
          Strings are treated as unordered uncategories rather than as with alphabetical order.
 IQueryParam StringSetParam.merge(IQueryParam theParam)

Constructors in ca.uhn.cache.impl with parameters of type IQueryParam
Query(IQueryParam[] theParams)
          Creates a query with the provided parameters.

Uses of IQueryParam in ca.uhn.cache.internal

Methods in ca.uhn.cache.internal that return IQueryParam
 IQueryParam[] IParamSpaceConfig.getChunkBoundaries(IDimension theDimension)
          This method is only meaningful along dimensions for which isChunked() returns true.
 IQueryParam IParamSpaceConfig.getSaturationPoint(IDimension theDimension)
          For ordered dimensions, the distances between their members is important.

Uses of IQueryParam in ca.uhn.cache.internal.hibernate.impl

Methods in ca.uhn.cache.internal.hibernate.impl that return IQueryParam
 IQueryParam StringParamField.toQueryParam(java.util.Map theDimensionNameToDimensionMap)
          TODO refactor the parameter theDimensionNameToDimensionMap to use a typed map!
 IQueryParam DateParamField.toQueryParam(java.util.Map theDimensionNameToDimensionMap)
          TODO refactor the parameter theDimensionNameToDimensionMap to use a typed map!
abstract  IQueryParam Field.toQueryParam(java.util.Map theDimensionNameToDimensionMap)
          TODO refactor the parameter theDimensionNameToDimensionMap to use a typed map!

Uses of IQueryParam in ca.uhn.cache.internal.impl

Methods in ca.uhn.cache.internal.impl that return IQueryParam
 IQueryParam[] ParamSpaceConfig.getChunkBoundaries(IDimension theDimension)
          This method is only meaningful along dimensions for which isChunked() returns true.
 IQueryParam ParamSpaceConfig.getSaturationPoint(IDimension theDimension)
          For ordered dimensions, the distances between their members is important. Distances (see IQueryParam.getDistance()) are normalized to between zero and 1. The distance corresponding to 1 is configurable. For example a time dimension may have a relevant range over the last week or the last 20 years. In the first case, a difference of a week would correspond to a distance of 1, and in the second case a difference of 20 years would correspond to 1.

Methods in ca.uhn.cache.internal.impl with parameters of type IQueryParam
protected  IQueryParamHelper HibernateQueryResultStore.getQueryParamHelper(IQueryParam theQueryParam)
          Retrieves the IQueryParamHelper corresponding to the provided query param.

Constructors in ca.uhn.cache.internal.impl with parameters of type IQueryParam
ParamSpaceConfig(IDimension[] theDimensions, IQueryParam[] theAllChunkBoundaries, IQueryParam[] theAllSaturationPoints)
          Constructs ParamSpaceConfig.

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