Uses of Interface

Packages that use IQuery

Uses of IQuery in ca.uhn.cache

Methods in ca.uhn.cache that return IQuery
 IQuery[] ISemanticCache.remainder(IQuery theQuery, int theMaxGroups)
          Given an IQuery, find a small list of new IQuery that span all the data in the original IQuery that are not present in the cache.
 IQuery IDataItem.getProjection()
 IQuery[][] theQueries, int theMaxGroups)
          Given a list of queries, finds a small set of queries that includes all of them, without including too many queries that aren't in the list.

Methods in ca.uhn.cache with parameters of type IQuery
 IQueryResult IUnstationaryDataSource.execute(IQuery[] theQueries, java.util.Date theUpdatedSinceTime)
          Runs one or more queries against the data source.
 void IPreFetchingCache.claimInterest(IQuery theScope, java.util.Date theEffectiveTime, java.util.Date theExpiryTime, java.lang.String theContextId)
          Indicates that queries within the specified data scope are likely in the near future.
 IQuery[] ISemanticCache.remainder(IQuery theQuery, int theMaxGroups)
          Given an IQuery, find a small list of new IQuery that span all the data in the original IQuery that are not present in the cache.
 IQueryResult ISemanticCache.get(IQuery theQuery)
 void ISemanticCache.put(IQuery theQueryScope, IQueryResult theResult)
 java.util.Date ISemanticCache.getEarliestCacheTime(IQuery theQuery)
 IQueryResult IDataSource.execute(IQuery[] theQueries)
          Runs one or more queries against the data source.
 IQuery[][] theQueries, int theMaxGroups)
          Given a list of queries, finds a small set of queries that includes all of them, without including too many queries that aren't in the list.
 java.lang.Object[] IMethodDataSourceHelper.buildArguments(IQuery theQuery)
          Builds the arguments to be used in the underlying method invocation, corresponding to the provided query.

Uses of IQuery in ca.uhn.cache.exception

Methods in ca.uhn.cache.exception that return IQuery
 IQuery QueryResultStorageCacheException.getQuery()
 IQuery QueryResultRetrievalCacheException.getQuery()

Constructors in ca.uhn.cache.exception with parameters of type IQuery
QueryResultStorageCacheException(java.lang.Throwable theCause, IQuery theQuery, IQueryResult theQueryResult)
QueryResultStorageCacheException(java.lang.String theMessage, java.lang.Throwable theCause, IQuery theQuery, IQueryResult theQueryResult)
QueryResultRetrievalCacheException(java.lang.Throwable theCause, IQuery theQuery)
QueryResultRetrievalCacheException(java.lang.String theMessage, java.lang.Throwable theCause, IQuery theQuery)

Uses of IQuery in ca.uhn.cache.impl

Classes in ca.uhn.cache.impl that implement IQuery
 class Query
          Generic implementation of the IQuery interface.

Methods in ca.uhn.cache.impl that return IQuery
 IQuery Chunk.getBoundaries()
 IQuery[] ChunkBasedSemanticCache.remainder(IQuery theQuery, int theMaxGroups)
          Given an IQuery, find a small list of new IQuery that span all the data in the original IQuery that are not present in the cache. Some extra data may (i.e. data in the cache or data not requested) may be spaned. Generally there is a trade-off between extra data and number of new queries returned.
 IQuery[][] theQueries, int theMaxGroups)
          Given a list of queries, finds a small set of queries that includes all of them, without including too many queries that aren't in the list. There may be a trade-off between number of queries returned and extra queries included. For example, one query could be returned for each original query, in which case no extra queries would be included. On the other hand a single query could be returnd which covers the whole IParamSpace. Good solutions lie somewhere between these extremes.
 IQuery DataItem.getProjection()
abstract  IQuery AbstractMethodDataSourceHelper.buildProjection(java.lang.Object theObj)
          Builds the query that represents the projection of the provided object in the parameter space.

Methods in ca.uhn.cache.impl with parameters of type IQuery
 IQueryResult SelfCachingDataSource.execute(IQuery[] theQueries)
          Note that there is no optimization for sending multiple queries at once (queries are executed in series).
 IQuery[] ChunkBasedSemanticCache.remainder(IQuery theQuery, int theMaxGroups)
          Given an IQuery, find a small list of new IQuery that span all the data in the original IQuery that are not present in the cache. Some extra data may (i.e. data in the cache or data not requested) may be spaned. Generally there is a trade-off between extra data and number of new queries returned.
 IQueryResult ChunkBasedSemanticCache.get(IQuery theQuery)
 void ChunkBasedSemanticCache.put(IQuery theQueryScope, IQueryResult theResult)
 java.util.Date ChunkBasedSemanticCache.getEarliestCacheTime(IQuery theQuery)
          TODO: optimize!!
 IQuery[][] theQueries, int theMaxGroups)
          Given a list of queries, finds a small set of queries that includes all of them, without including too many queries that aren't in the list. There may be a trade-off between number of queries returned and extra queries included. For example, one query could be returned for each original query, in which case no extra queries would be included. On the other hand a single query could be returnd which covers the whole IParamSpace. Good solutions lie somewhere between these extremes.
 IQueryResult MethodDataSource.execute(IQuery[] theQueries)
          Runs one or more queries against the data source.

Constructors in ca.uhn.cache.impl with parameters of type IQuery
Chunk(java.lang.String theId, VolatilityEnum theVolatility, java.util.Date theLastUpdateTime, java.util.Date theCacheTime, java.util.Date theLastAccessTime, CacheReasonEnum[] theReasons, IQuery theBoundaries)
DataItem(java.lang.String theId, theValue, IQuery theProjection, VolatilityEnum theVolatility, java.lang.String theLastUpdate)
DataItem(java.lang.String theId, theValue, IQuery theProjection, VolatilityEnum theVolatility, java.util.Date theLastUpdate)

Uses of IQuery in ca.uhn.cache.internal

Methods in ca.uhn.cache.internal that return IQuery
 IQuery IChunk.getBoundaries()

Methods in ca.uhn.cache.internal with parameters of type IQuery
 IChunk IChunkStore.get(IQuery theQuery)
 IChunk IChunkStore.put(IQuery theQuery, VolatilityEnum theVolatility, CacheReasonEnum[] theReasons)
          Places a IChunk corresponding to the specified IQuery in this IChunkStore.
 IChunk IChunkStore.remove(IQuery theQuery)
          Removes the mapping for this query from this IChunkStore if it is present
 IQueryResult theQuery)
          Returns the query result from the store that matches the given query.
 int IQueryResultStore.delete(IQuery theQuery)
          Removes the data matching the specified query from the store.

Uses of IQuery in ca.uhn.cache.internal.hibernate.impl

Methods in ca.uhn.cache.internal.hibernate.impl that return IQuery
 IQuery ChunkField.getBoundaries()

Methods in ca.uhn.cache.internal.hibernate.impl with parameters of type IQuery
 void ChunkField.setBoundaries(IQuery theBoundaries)

Uses of IQuery in ca.uhn.cache.internal.impl

Methods in ca.uhn.cache.internal.impl with parameters of type IQuery
 int HibernateQueryResultStore.delete(IQuery theProjection)
          Removes the data matching the specified query from the store.
 IQueryResult theQuery)
          Returns the query result from the store that matches the given query.
 IChunk HibernateChunkStore.get(IQuery theQuery)
 IChunk HibernateChunkStore.put(IQuery theQuery, VolatilityEnum theVolatility, CacheReasonEnum[] theReasons)
          Places a IChunk corresponding to the specified IQuery in this IChunkStore.
 IChunk HibernateChunkStore.remove(IQuery theQuery)
          Removes the mapping for this query from this IChunkStore if it is present

Uses of IQuery in ca.uhn.cache.proxy

Methods in ca.uhn.cache.proxy that return IQuery
 IQuery IMethodAdapter.getParamsFromArgs(java.lang.Object[] theMethodArgs)

Methods in ca.uhn.cache.proxy with parameters of type IQuery
 java.lang.Object[] IMethodAdapter.getArgs(java.lang.Object[] theOriginalArgs, IQuery theQuery)
          Note that the query parameters returned by this method can be more general than necessary, if extraneous data are filtered by includeInResults().

Uses of IQuery in ca.uhn.cache.util

Methods in ca.uhn.cache.util that return IQuery
static IQuery[] QueryUtil.chunk(IQuery theQuery, IParamSpace theParamSpace)
 IQuery[] QueryProcessor.getRemainderQueries()

Methods in ca.uhn.cache.util with parameters of type IQuery
static IQueryResult QueryResultUtil.filter(IQueryResult theQueryResult, IQuery theQuery)
          Filter the query result by applying a query to each element.
static IQuery[] QueryUtil.chunk(IQuery theQuery, IParamSpace theParamSpace)
 void QueryProcessor.setSourceResult(IQuery theQuery, IQueryResult theSourceResult)

Constructors in ca.uhn.cache.util with parameters of type IQuery
QueryProcessor(IQuery theQuery, ISemanticCache theCache, int theMaxGroups, EDU.oswego.cs.dl.util.concurrent.Executor theExecutor)
          Constructor for STATIONARY DATA ONLY.
UnstationaryQueryProcessor(IQuery theQuery, ISemanticCache theCache, int theMaxGroups, EDU.oswego.cs.dl.util.concurrent.Executor theExecutor)

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