Uses of Interface

Packages that use IGroupQueryParam

Uses of IGroupQueryParam in ca.uhn.cache.impl

Classes in ca.uhn.cache.impl that implement IGroupQueryParam
 class DateRangeParam
          A IQueryParam encompassing a range of dates.
 class StringSetParam
          A IQueryParam that selects data items with values along a certain dimension exactly equal to one of a set of String values.

Uses of IGroupQueryParam in ca.uhn.cache.internal.hibernate

Methods in ca.uhn.cache.internal.hibernate with parameters of type IGroupQueryParam
 java.lang.String IQueryParamHelper.generateHql(IGroupQueryParam theGroupQueryParam, int theIndex)
          Generates the HQL corresponding to the provided "point" query param.
 java.util.Map IQueryParamHelper.generateHqlParamMap(IGroupQueryParam theGroupQueryParam, int theIndex)
          Generates a Map of paramName => paramValue corresponding to the provided "point" query param.

Uses of IGroupQueryParam in ca.uhn.cache.internal.hibernate.impl

Methods in ca.uhn.cache.internal.hibernate.impl with parameters of type IGroupQueryParam
 java.lang.String DateParamHelper.generateHql(IGroupQueryParam theGroupQueryParam, int theIndex)
          Generates the HQL corresponding to the provided "point" query param.
 java.util.Map DateParamHelper.generateHqlParamMap(IGroupQueryParam theGroupQueryParam, int theIndex)
          Generates a Map of paramName => paramValue corresponding to the provided "point" query param.
 java.lang.String StringParamHelper.generateHql(IGroupQueryParam theGroupQueryParam, int theIndex)
          Generates the HQL corresponding to the provided "point" query param.
 java.util.Map StringParamHelper.generateHqlParamMap(IGroupQueryParam theGroupQueryParam, int theIndex)
          Generates a Map of paramName => paramValue corresponding to the provided "point" query param.

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